If you are having issues pairing your COROS POD 2 to either your phone or your COROS watch, please try the following steps:
- Place the COROS POD 2 in the charging dock and wait a few seconds.
- Take the COROS POD 2 out of the charging dock to wake it up.
- Using the scanner in the COROS app, scan the QR code found in the COROS POD 2 box.
If your COROS POD 2 is connected to the app but is not detected by your watch, please make sure it is not connected any other COROS watches nearby (since once it is paired to the app, it will automatically pair with any other watches connected to the app).
Please also try placing the COROS POD 2 in the charging dock for a few moments, and then take it back out to wake it up. Go to System > Accessories > Added List > COROS POD 2 and wait until the text says "connected." Likewise, you can wait for the COROS POD 2 to connect on the start screen of any run mode. The small accessory icon will turn a solid color once the COROS POD 2 is connected.
If you are still having issues pairing your COROS POD 2 to your phone or watch, please try restarting the COROS POD 2 by following these steps:
Place the COROS POD 2 in the charging dock for 2 seconds. The yellow light should flicker on and off twice.
Immediately take the COROS POD 2 out of the charging dock and wait for a stable green light.
Repeat the previous steps four times, and the restart process is completed.
- Try pairing with the COROS app again.
You can also reach out to our support team by following the steps here: How To Receive Help from COROS Support