my experiences using Apex 2 Pro
These are my experiences using the coros apex 2 pro: 1) It would be useful if these information was available without leaving the Navigation: 1- Time of day. 2- Sea-Level pressure changes in the last few hours. 3- Altitude. 2) If the Music Playback and Training/Workout have the ability to run in the background, you can use other features of the watch while listening to the music or training and show an icon If they are running in the background.
Hey JK
Thank you so much for your post.
While we do not have plans to add data icons to the navigation screen, other users have shared interested in this feature, and since then I have already shared it with our development team for future consideration.
It also sounded like, based on your post, that you are hoping to get easier access to your data during navigation. I wanted to share with you the ability to edit your activity data pages if you have not done so already. You can edit them for Run, for example, and you will be able to scroll the dial to them during navigation. Although this information would not be directly on the navigation screen, it would be easily accessible from there, and the closest solution to your needs at the present time.
Additionally, thank you for your suggestion for an icon visual representation of using music in the background of the watch. I will certainly reiterate to our team as well. We hope that music usage and streaming will be more strapless in the future, as this is a priority for our team. We are actually waiting on Spotify to be willing to partner with COROS, and we have requested several times. Maybe it would be worth it for you to write into their support if you feel inclined.
Please let me know if you have any follow up questions.0
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