Indoor Climbing is now available as an activity mode on your COROS watch to track indoor lead climbing, top-roping and bouldering. This activity mode will track new data such as Route Count, Route Grade, Route Falls, Max Fall Height and more, along with providing you unique ways to record your results from the effort shown in the “Results” section below.
*Indoor Climb mode is available to the following watches: APEX Pro, APEX 2, APEX 2 Pro, VERTIX 1 and VERTIX 2
- For leading climbing and top-roping, the watch supports Yosemite Decimal System (YDS), and French systems. You will be able to choose the system and the level of route before starting the climb.
- For bouldering, the watch supports V-Scale and Font Scale. You may choose the system and the level of route before starting the climb.
Indoor Climbing Use Cases
Indoor Climbing Difficulty Systems
You can wear the watch on their wrist, or use a watch carabiner (VERTIX 2) to clip the watch to their harness. Please note wearing it on the harness will not record heart rate data unless paired with an external heart rate strap.
Similar to all other activity modes, the Indoor Climb mode is very easy to use.
- Start the mode.
- Choose your grade system (you can switch the grade system during your activity if you decide to jump from lead climbing to bouldering without exiting and starting a new activity).
- Choose the first grade and good to go.
From here, you may leave the watch as it is until the end of the activity. The watch will do the auto recording for the following information:
If lead climbing or top-roping:
- Total Height: The overall elevation gain throughout the activity
- Route Counts
- Route Time
- Route Elevation Gain: Elevation gain in current route
- Route Heart Rate
- Route Falls: How many times the user has fallen in the current route
- Total Falls: Overall times of fall throughout the activity
- Max Fall Height: Vertical distance of the highest fall experienced during the activity
The auto-detected fall information (Route Falls and Max Fall Height) is designed for lead climbing only. You will still see the information when top-roping but it may not be accurate.
If bouldering, the following information will be available:
- Total Height: The overall elevation gain throughout the activity
- Route Counts
- Route Time
- Route Elevation Gain: Elevation gain in current route
- Route Heart Rate
You may record additional information manually after each route:
- Route Grade: The difficulty of current route
- Route Style: Redpoint, Onsight, Flash, Attempt. Or “Not a Climb” if it’s just walking upstairs and coming down
Auto fall and route count detection won’t be available during bouldering.
Explanations to climbing styles
You will have 5 choices for describing the results of your climb
- Redpoint: Fail on first attempt. After learning and planning, finish the route successfully
- Onsight: Success at the first attempt without any background information or studying
- Flash: Success at the first attempt, but possessed background information, coming from guidebook or watching a climber before you.
- Attempt: Failed attempt to finish a route/project
- Not a climb: Did not start
Switching Climbing Styles During an Activity
When climbing at a gym, it is common to see someone switch between bouldering, lead climbing, and top roping. To change your climbing style during an activity:
- Hold the Back Button to access your Toolbox -> Activity Settings -> Grading Systems
What do I do when my watch does not correctly auto-detect the end of my route?
- If you have finished a route but your watch did not auto-detect correctly, use the back button to manually finish this route.
What do I do if my watch auto-detects a route starting but I have not yet started my climb?
- You can also use the back button in this scenario and choose "Not a climb". There are air flows in a climbing gym that may trigger inaccurate auto-detection.