Going for a run and want to see your real-time Effort Pace while you hit the hills? Going for a ski day and want to see your current speed front and center? Once your COROS watch is paired with the app, you can customize the workout data pages for each activity mode to suit your needs.
You can customize data pages at any time, including in the middle of tracking an activity.
First, open the COROS app and navigate to the Profile page (4th tab on the bottom).
Next, select the device you wish to customize. Swipe from right to left if you have multiple devices to view more options. Choose "Activity Settings" and select the desired activity mode to edit.
From this page, you can also customize the specific function that happens when you press the Back button and change your activity alerts. Select "Activity Data Pages" to customize the metrics and data pages you see during the activity.
You can customize up to 6 different pages with multiple data fields to curate the specific data that you need. On supported watch models, you can select a full-screen map/navigation page as one of your 6 pages.
Swipe up or down to toggle between data pages. Select Edit to customize the layout and number of frames per page. Then, select any data field and scroll through the available data metrics at the bottom of the screen to choose a new metric for the current selection. Depending on the activity mode chosen, there are different data fields available.
Keep in mind that the more frames are included, the smaller the text will be. When placed in the top or bottom frame, time fields (such as activity time and lap time) will continue showing the seconds value after 1 hour has elapsed.
To rearrange the order of pages, select Move Up or Move Down to slide the current page to a new position.
To delete an unwanted page, tap on the page and then tap on the trash icon in the left corner.
To add a new page, press the "+" button in the bottom right corner.
Once you are finished, tap "Save" in the upper right hand corner. The new activity data pages will be automatically synced to your watch.