Annual training management chart, based on EvoLab, helps users quickly understand the training summary of the past 6 months and the coming 6 months, with the support of the weekly training load and tendency.
Supported Data Types
- Training Load
- Workout Time
- Distance
Intensity Zones
- Heart Rate Zones
Switch among different heart rate zone systems, and customize maximum heart rate, resting heart rate, lactate threshold heart rate, and percentage of different zones.
- Maximum Heart Rate Zone
- Heart Rate Reserve Zone
- Lactate Threshold Heart Rate Zone
- Pace Zones
Customize lactate threshold pace, adjust the percentage of different pace zones.
- Power Zones (Future)
Customize CP (Critical Power), adjust the percentage of different power zones.
Personal Best
Adjust personal best record of various distances:
- 5KM
- 10KM
- Half-Marathon
- Marathon
7-Day Fatigue Trend
7-Day Running Performance
7-Day Workout
Fatigue Status
- Future Plans
- Personal Running Record
- Race Predictor
Recent Workouts
Threshold Heart Rate Zones
Threshold Pace Zones
Dashboard Customization
Add or remove charts, adjust the sequence of data charts according to personal preference.
EvoLab Metrics
- 7-day Total TL
- 4-Week Intensity Distribution
- Pace Zone Distribution
- Resting Heart Rate
- Running Performance
- Threshold Heart Rate & Pace
- Training Load Management
- Training Summary
- VO2Max
- Workout Data
Add or remove charts, adjust the sequence of data charts according to personal preference.
Manually upload activity, support .fit and .zip file. If you need to upload multiple .fit files, please create a zip file.
Supported Activities
- Bike
- Hike
- Indoor Bike
- Indoor Run
- Mtn Climb
- Multi-Sport Activity (only multi-sport generated by Garmin devices are supported for imports)
- Open Water
- Pool Swim
- Run
- Trail Run
Set up basic personal information within COROS Training Hub:
- Profile Picture
- Name
- Birthday
- Location
- Height
- Weight
- Unit System
- Introduction
Training Hub is a web-based system. Here is a list of the supported browsers:
- Chrome: Later than v69.0
- FireFox: Later than v62.0
- Internet Explorer: Later than v9.0
- Microsoft Edge: Later than v17.0
- Opera: Later than v.63.0
- Safari: Later than v12.0
Create a Team
- Create a team, set up team name, profile picture, location, and introduction.
- Add team members by entering their COROS account email address and searching.
Team Panel
Review 7-day training status of team members, support to sort team members by 3 types of data, quickly understand the status of members.
- Sort by Plan Completion
- Sort by Fatigue
- Sort by Marathon Level
Member Panel
Weekly based training calendar, browse training history and future plans, and search for activities during a certain time frame.
Add Training Event
Create training on a selected date(run, bike and swim), and add Workouts from your library.
Add Label
Add a label to a selected date, notifying rest, test and other events, make training arrangements more easily.
Set up the training phase for each week, clarify the target of each week, and optimize the weekly arrangement.
- Base
- Peak
- Preparation
- Progress
- Race
- Transition
Find a Training Plan
- Browse the list directly, or search by keyword of the training plan.
Create a Training Plan
- Create Training Plan, input name and introduction, add training or Programmed Workout. Copy and paste of single workout or whole week.
- Set up the phase of the training plan, clarify the training target of each week.
Delete a Training Plan
- Delete a Training Plan. The Training Plan will be deleted from both Training Hub and COROS App.
Share a Training Plan
- Share a Training Plan via link.
Training Arrangement
- By entering the member's calendar, add new training, programmed workout or training plan, and adjust existing ones, plan training ahead.
Find a Workout
- Browse the list directly, filter by types of sport (Run, Bike, Swim and Strength), or search by keyword of the Workout.
Create a Workout
- Create Workout and choose the type of Workout (Run, Bike, Swim and Strength), input the name and description. Set target, intensity and repeats then save the Workout.
Delete a Workout
- Delete a Workout. The Workout will be deleted from both Training Hub and COROS App.
Share a Workout
- Share a Structured Workout via link.
- Search activity by name, date and type.