Set up the integration
To connect your Strava and COROS accounts, follow the steps below:
- Open the COROS app to the Profile page > Settings > 3rd Party Apps
- Select "Strava" and log in with your Strava credentials
- Check the box for "Strava Notes Sync" to allow Training Load stats from your COROS activities to upload to the notes section of the workout in Strava
- Once the accounts are integrated, the following data will sync between both devices:
- All future activities recorded by your COROS device will now automatically sync to your Strava profile
- Starred routes in your Strava account will sync to your COROS Route Library
- Favorited (starred) segments in your Strava profile will sync to your Strava Live Segments menu in the COROS app. You can access these from the COROS app > Profile page > select your device > Strava Live Segments.
Please try disconnecting and reconnecting both apps by following the steps below:
- Open the COROS app to the Profile page > Settings > 3rd Party Apps > choose Strava, then choose "Disconnect"
- Next, force close the COROS app
- Ensure Google Chrome is installed as your phone's default browser
- Clear the cookies in your Chrome browser
- Finally, go back to the 3rd Party Apps settings in the COROS app and select "Connect" to re-establish the connection. All future COROS activities will sync automatically to Strava. Any unsynced activities will not be affected, and these will need to be manually uploaded.
Note: It is important to follow the steps listed above in the exact order to ensure that a new bond is created between the Strava x COROS app moving forward. When the apps are connected again, any unsynced activities will not be automatically pushed to Strava and will need to be manually uploaded.
Any starred routes that are saved to your Strava profile will sync automatically to COROS. They will appear in the Route Library folder in the Explore page of your COROS app. If Strava routes are not showing in the COROS Route Library, double check that the route is starred in your Strava account.
Starred routes may take up to ~ 1 minute before they appear in your COROS Route Library.
Note: If you make updates to a route in Strava, you will need to delete the route from the COROS Route Library by swiping from right to left. Then, open the route in Strava and select "Duplicate" to recreate the same route so it can be synced back to the COROS app.
Learn more about Strava route syncing here.
Get the most out of your Strava x COROS connection
After setting up the integration, the following information is synced between both apps:
- Completed COROS activities will appear in your Strava profile
- Strava starred routes will appear in the COROS Route Library
You can further customize your settings to sync even more stats from COROS to Strava, or hide certain data that you wish to keep private.
- Strava Live Segments: Sync favorited (starred) segments from your Strava profile to your COROS device. Click here to learn more.
- Strava Notes Sync: In the 3rd Party Apps page in the COROS app, you can toggle this on to automatically send Training Load stats from your synced COROS activity to the notes section in Strava (learn more here).
- Show / hide heart rate and power data: In the 3rd Party Apps page in the COROS app, click on the Settings icon in the top right corner. Toggle Heart Rate and Running Power off or on depending on your preferences. Note: This will affect sharing data to all linked 3rd party apps, not just Strava.
- Bulk import historical Strava activities: Follow the steps in this article to upload your historical Strava activities to COROS.