Due to storage limitations, APEX 42/46mm track all stages of sleep except REM.
This update improves the accuracy of sleep detection in the morning and at nighttime, in addition to tracking waking periods in the middle of the night to a higher degree of accuracy. The update also adds the sleep stage REM (Rapid Eye Movement), a crucial piece in the overall picture of sleep quality.
REM cycle is most commonly known as the stage where dreams occur. COROS watches will now show all four stages of sleep: Deep (SWS), Rapid Eye Movement (REM), Light, and Awake. Showing more detailed sleep information will provide actionable insights to track and monitor sleep over time.
Sleep tracking rule
When a user has two separate sleep periods, after the first wake-up, the watch will detect sleep patterns for the next 5 hours. If the user falls asleep again within 5 hours, the next the sleep period will be recorded, no matter how long it is. If a user falls asleep for the second time after 5 hours, the sleep period will not be recorded.
For example, if someone falls asleep at 9:00 pm (21:00) and wakes up at 4:00 am for an hour, falling back asleep at 5:00 am, the watch will detect both sleep periods no matter how long. However, if someone falls asleep at 7:00 pm (19:00), wakes up at 9:00 pm (21:00), then falls asleep again at 04:30 am - the second sleep period will not be detected or recorded.